Safety Precautions: Things to know about essential oils


·         Conduct a skin patch test to see if there may be skin irritation: apply drop to crook of arm and watch for a reaction. If irritation occurs, apply olive or avocado oil or heavy cream to remove the essential oil and relieve the irritation.

·         If susceptible to epilepsy, central nervous disorders, asthma or hear disease, contact me to make sure the blends are safe for your use.

·         If susceptible to skin allergies and sensitivities, contact me to make sure the blends are safe for your use.

·         Essential oils are concentrated and pure. Example: It takes 330 pounds of fresh leaves and flowers to produce 1.1 pounds of essential oil.

·         Peppermint essential oil should not be used for more than two weeks in a row. At least a week should be taken off between uses.

·         Essential oils to avoid during pregnancy: angelica, aniseed, basil, camphor, cedarwood, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, fennel, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lovage, marjoram, Melissa, myrrh, origanum, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme.

·         DO NOT USE ESSENTIAL OILS ON CHILDREN UNDER 2 YEARS OLD. Contact me and we can come up with herbal alternatives.